"Une autre Vie"
Librairie Actes Sud, Place Nina Berbera, Arles
4th of February until 13th of March 2020
The exhibition "A second Life" takes place in Arles in Provence, France. The exhibition is a collaboration with Ass. Mejan, Actes Sud and the school Ecole de Domaine de Possible in Camargue. The content of the exhibition is to inspire how to change function and expression in found objects, recycled objects and old stuff, to give new life to the objects preferably with a poetic/ political or subtle approach.
Alongside the exhibition 30 pupils from the school Ecole de Domaine de Possible are presented toi the same theme, where we shall teach different , simple weaving techniques, give an understanding of the willow world , an insight into how build up an exhibition and finally show the objects made in the same venue with my presentation by the end of the set time. Parents will be invited for a second opening on the 7th of March 2020.
Emma collaboration
29. juli - 6. August 2020
The 2016 Emma International Collaboration is a weeklong invitational event for professional and emerging artists which encourages a sharing of knowledge and skills through unrestrained art- making in a variety of media. There are no 'rules' per se, except to work and to experience the creative energy that has been assembled at this time, and in this one location.
Læs mere: www.emmacollaboration.com.
Based on the positive experience weaving with makenge roots and rush in 2016, Eva and Ane Lyngsgaard is now collaborating with Mumwa Craft Ass. in Mongu and Nzito Design in Lusaka on a new project.
The idea is to continue developing the tatinga design using makenge roots, but also find innovative ways of handling rush, that is found so plentyful in that area in Zambia. Anelma Savolainen from Finland has joined us as instructor in this domain.
New products that contain weaving, wood and metal will be launched and marketed with the help from Nzito during the 2 years the program is running.
To increase the weaver's livelihood, to create relevant and contemporary products that can supply the traditional basketry, and focus on marketing are the key substantials for this project.
This project is supported by the Finnish Embassy in Lusaka.
Tatinga series, 2016.
Mumwa Crafts Organization
Weaving with Makenge roots in Mongu, Western Province, Zambia.
Mumwa Crafts Organization, Ane Lyngsgaard and Eva Seidenfaden from Basket4life initiate a coorperation in March 2016.
Mumwa Crafts Association buys crafts from its members and sells them locally, regionally and internationally. It has 3,500 members comprised of 1500 male and 2,000 female and the beneficiaries are the local community.
Our task and purpose is to teach different techniques and designs using local materials.
Emma collaboration
June 26 – August 4
The 2016 Emma International Collaboration is a weeklong invitational event for professional and
emerging artists which encourages a sharing of knowledge and skills through unrestrained art-
making in a variety of media. There are no 'rules' per se, except to work and to experience the
creative energy that has been assembled at this time, and in this one location.
See more: www.emmacollaboration.com
Exchange, Baskets4Life
September – October 2016
Exchange visit including courses for baskt4life members with Lupane Womens' Centre, Zimbabwe Binga Craftcentre, Zimbabe,
working with street artists, Vic falls Zimbabwe, and Muwa Craftcentre, Zambia
Basketry Training in Zambia, 2012

Click the picture above to open the book.
Travelling to Burkina Faso, October 2011
In order to develop the shopping basket project, in particular bicycle baskets and setting new
projects ahead.
Baskets from Burkina Faso, Yajibilina
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Studying basketry in Germany and France with Joan Carrigan, June 2011
Studying basketry in Germany and France with Joan Carrigan, June 2011
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Craft fair in Risør, Norway, July 2011
Finland, 2011
Coruse and study trip to Anna Maria Väitäinen and Simo Lappi.
Course and study trip to Finland, 2011
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Craft fair in Vallabregues, France, with Baskets4life, August 2011
Craft fair in Vallabregues, France, with Baskets4life, August 2011
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Studying basketry in Zambia, 2011
Market in Lusaka, Zambia, 2011
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Project start in Northern Province, 2011
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Transperency and baskets at Frederecia Messecenter, 2009
Focus on bark, Vissinggaard 2009
Focus on bark was a masterclass with Joan Carrigan, Tim Johnson and Anna Maria Väaitainen as teachers.
Special guests were Dororthy Gill Barnes and David Drew. We worked with bark in every thinkable ways.
Focus on bark, Vissinggaard 2009
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Lichtenfels, September 2009
The basketry fair in Lichtenfels in Germany had it’s 30th anniversary in 2009.
Due to that Baskets4life were invited to create a large installation in front of the church,
teach at the German basketry school, exhibit our own shopping baskets as well as the African
shopping baskets at the ”Stadtschloss” and to give a number of talks on Danish basket makers,
Danish traditions and the importance and innovation of the basketry going on in Denmark.
We also got the opportunity to show and sell our own basketry and the African baskets in 3
stands in the market itself.
It was an exciting and demanding challenge for the group.
We thoroughly enjoyed being part of the huge basketry fair and it was extremely rewarding
to feel what 9 people can do together when tasks are divided among us and where the dialogue
is open and imagination for solving problems is huge.
We hope and believe that Danish basketry once again has profiled itself as worthy, new and
interesting and hope that Baskets4life can be used for similar projects in the future.
Visit from Lichtensfeld, October 2010
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Africa Now, Dialog 09, Århus, Denmark, 2009
Transparency - An exhibition in collaboration with Christophe Sawadogo from Burkina Faso.
Participation in the African Market with baskets and interactive teaching with the audience.
Curved wodden balls made in Burkina Faso were transformed into individual designs. Baobab trees
made by street kids from Ouagadouga were painted by Danish school kids and so each tree got
it's own story.
Dialog 09, Africa Now
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Ceramics & Willow - A challenge, Archantus, Risør, Norway, spring 2008
Course in Israel, spring 2008
Teaching and experiencing the basketry world with Joan Carrigan, fall 2008
Build up a basketry workshop at Kologh Naba in Bukina Faso in colaboration with Anne Lyngsgaard
and Annette Balle and Hanne Vistisen, fall 2008
Santa Claus' Workshop in
Kologh Naba,
Burkina Faso.
Santa Claus' workshop in Kologh Naba, Burkina Faso
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Basketry course in Israel with participation from Jewish and Arab women
We visited Michal who has established a little paradise where date palms is the theme.
Her goal is to show how palm trees have been used in different ways throughout time.
We also visited a number of women projects who all promoted craft activities.